3 Best Online Marketplaces of 2020 - Post Thumbnail

3 Best Online Marketplaces of 2020

The marketplace is an electronic platform where buyers can buy products or services from different sellers. The marketplace is like an intermediary between a consumer and a business when a buyer can find different offers in one place, compare their cost and other parameters, read reviews and choose the best for themselves. In 2020, eCommerce singles out three giants of the Internet market.



For quite some time, back in 1994, the American entrepreneur Jeff Bezos created a site that was to become a legend and the largest online platform for international retail. The online store has 34 categories of products – from electronics to food. At the same time, Amazon does not want to stand still – having been created in the USA, today it has already moved to the Old World and Asia – currently, the company has representative offices in Canada, Great Britain, Germany, Japan, France, Italy, and China.

To successfully make purchases on Amazon, you need to know:

  • Site specifics
  • Special offers of the site and how to use them;
  • How to make a purchase.

First, you need to understand that Amazon is not a familiar online store. Amazon is a kind of symbiosis that combines traditional trade, where the company itself acts as a seller and providing a place for trade to third-party sellers. Both options are convenient and profitable in their way. However, users should understand that the large established trading system, which is Amazon, has more developed, reliable and faster mechanisms for returning purchased goods, which means that working with Amazon, in general, is more convenient and safer.

Alibaba Group is the largest online and mobile commerce platform in China and the largest in terms of turnover in the world. The company’s turnover in 2013 amounted to $ 248 billion, which is more than the turnover of eBay and Amazon combined.



Unlike Amazon, the company does not store stocks of products and does not sell products directly to consumers. Instead, the company operates several sites in China, where the seller and the buyer find each other. The main sources of the company’s revenue are sales from sellers’ advertising, transaction fees and fees for other online services, membership, cloud storage services.



The ebay.com trading platform is owned by the American company of the same name, founded in 1995. Unlike our main competitor, yes, we are again talking about Amazon, eBay INC does not independently sell goods, but only provides a platform for trade to sellers and buyers.

First of all, eBay is attractive as a place of profitable shopping. Here you can buy not just cheap, but literally for nothing, clothes, and shoes of famous brands, laptops, smartphones, cosmetics and perfumes, auto parts, as well as millions of other goods. Home goods, everything for sports and recreation. Both private sellers and large companies offer their products. Some products are offered directly by manufacturers with official stores on the site – eBay store.